EPAC Acuated Controller: Advanced

Video Detection Seminar: Advanced
October 15, 2015
AASHTO Washington Breifing 2016
February 24, 2016
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EPAC Acuated Controller: Advanced

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Date(s) - 10/20/2015 - 10/22/2015
9:00 am - 3:30 pm

Carrier&Gable inc



This course is designed for individuals who have an understanding of the basic operation of this controller and are interested in some of the more advanced features available in EPAC and on the updated features and capabilities. A three-day course, it is intended to familiarize the student with some of the more complex controller unit data entries necessary in many of today’s more sophisticated signalized intersections. Topics include: coordination and time base data entries, preemption data, special and phase function mapping features, multi ring configurations and systems data. This is a combination lecture and hands-on workshop.

Class size is limited to 24.

Prerequisite: Introductory Controller, EPAC Basic, must be able to manually program a controller.

78 TARP points apply to Traffic Signals

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