MDA Summer Workshop
August 19, 2016Southeast Michigan Association Of Fire Chiefs Annual Golf Outing
June 2, 2016
University of Michigan|Mcity / North Campus research ComplexBuilding 18, 2800 Plymouth Rd - Ann Arbor
Date(s) - 06/08/2016
9:00 am - 2:30 pm
University of Michigan|Mcity / North Campus research Complex
No Categories
Intelligent Transportation Society of Michigan to hold its Annual Meeting at the
University of Michigan Mcity facility.
Will include:
- UMTRI Connected Vehicle UPdate
- Connected Vehicle the Past, Present & Futre Presentation
- Roundtable: Public Agency Perspectives on the Impace of Connected Vehicles
- Lunch
- Practitioner Understanding of Roadside Technology for Connected Vehicles
- Mcity Test Facility Overview
- Narrated Bus Tour of Mcity Test Facility
Click here to register
IMSA – Michigan will sponsor its members attending the event:
If you are an IMSA member and would like to have your registration fee paid by IMSA-Michiagn please complete: mcity registration form and send to